Badge Challenge Build Part 2

In this post I will cover the design of the badge challenge game.<p> This year the first idea was a puzzle that would need people to work together, a puzzle that can’t be solved by one person alone.<p>

The plan was to have hex code on the badges so people had to collect the set.<p>

After much discussion with Alzeih, we decided that badges with part of the code on each badge overlapping with the next.


This could then become the base of a one-time pad.
The hex on the badge can be random, so long as we create the correct hex for the other half of the one-timepad.

For the people who are following along at home the codes on the badges are:

  • 143A30B84E5C
  • B84E5C3FD7BC
  • 3FD7BC78D950
  • 78D950A27BCD
  • A27BCDC18528
  • C18528B1799D
  • B1799D79082A
  • 79082AD41C08
  • D41C0883D634